
This Web Service returns the entire list of customers, in a JSON array format.

The customers entity on StoresAce is global to all stores. So, any customer can belong to any store. Therefore, the argument store won't take any effect on filter results.
This method can be used to synchronize customers with any ERP software, but also with other external Loyalty or E-Commerce Platforms.

Bellow is a description list of some main fields you may get and post to this method:

CustomerIdCustomer Internal Code
FederalTaxIdCustomer Tax Number
OrganizationNameCustomer Full Name
EmailAddressEmail Address
AddressLocation Address Lines
TelephoneContact Telephones and Mobile Numbers
CardIdCustomer Card ID in case of having Loyalty Program Card
BirthDateDate of Birth
TotalPointsWhen Loyalty module is active, this returns customer current points count
DiscountDiscounts to apply on Customers Sales
LimitsSales Maximum Daily Limit Values

Search Arguments

To apply filters or search criteria on customers list, the GET request type can receive the following arguments:

FederalTaxIdFilter by Customer Tax Number
CustomerIdFilter by Customer Internal Code
CardIdFilter by Loyalty Card Number
MobileTelephoneFilter by Mobile Telephone Number
EmailAddressFilter by Email Address